Allice offers three types of sessions.

Astrological Sessions:    I see a chart reading as a bridge providing  the client with a re-introduction to themselves.  I can not tell anyone anything that they do not at some level already know, or that they are not now ready to remember.  The chart provides me with a solid (for me) basis from which to open my intuition and speak as I am guided.  My readings are mostly images, some given to me many years ago by my astrology teacher, some provided by my spiritual teachers over the years, and some arriving in the moment from, I believe, the client’s guidance. In some circumstances I can offer and provide clearing suggestions.

I offer Natal Chart readings, which provide insight into the overall life plan and purpose.

I also offer Solar Return readings, in which we explore the present year as measured birthday to birthday.

Thirdly, I offer Synastry Readings, or chart comparisons, which describe the energetic interactions of couples or families.

Astrological Sessions are priced as follows:

One hour - $175. An hour and a quarter - $200.   An hour and a half - $225.

Soul Centered Healing Sessions:  These sessions facilitate a process of revelation and healing that opens within the client.  We use a recliner and a guided meditation process to support inner guidance as it carries the client into the stories they hold within their energy field.  Spontaneous realizations and resolutions of distress are achieved in a gentle and powerful way.  This is a deeply satisfying approach which brings relief for internal pain.

Soul centered healing sessions are variable in length and for this reason I prefer to schedule them in my last slot of the day, which is 1 pm, so they can unfold naturally without time pressure. I have found that these sessions work beautifully using the phone, and, as I am not seeing people in my office at this time, only phone sessions are available.

I charge by the session  $175.

Flower Essence Sessions:

 Flower Essences can provide continuing support for a number of weeks as the information from an Astrological Session is integrated.  There is an additional $15 if you choose to have essences at the time of your reading. If I need to send them to you there is a $5 postage fee.

Flower Essence sessions can also be scheduled between chart readings.  They usually last about 20 minutes and the charge is $25, with the additional $5 for postage if necessary.